It’s me. Hi! I’m Luana Fogaça.
A curious designer specialist, hands on manager and problem solver.
Currently based in Belo Horizonte, Brasil
But I sure want to explore the world.

I simplify complex problems, encourage collaborations between people and enhance careers. I expand the scalability of solutions and actively listen to the customer and capture their needs as products insights. I transform myself and learn daily to adapt to new scenarios and cultures, while at the same time deconstructing myself from biases and certainties. I believe that the art and craft of leadership is polished daily with resilience, exchange of knowledge and results that enable evolution.
I’ve worked with digital teams from Itaú, Localiza, RHI Magnesita, Hermes Pardini, Cemig, Iveco, Fiemg, WPP and collaboratively with Amazon and Microsoft with design thinking facilitations.

Lift Bacen @Itaú
In two sprints I managed a team that delivered two solutions that will change how we do payments in Brazil.

Leadership Kit
Want to use my One on One models? Or get deep in to my product frames? Analyze your team skills? I got you!

Meus Limites @Itaú
Developing a solution when we were implementing a new design system a the same time that the customer needed to feel safe.

Jornada única @Itaú
How we delivered value in money transfers, by unifying the methods available in real time.

Designing a service
How I like to use the Growth funnel to shape products and evolve the time to market aligned with a sharp strategy.

Design System @ HP
How I shaped a new design system by building particles, molecules aligned with new technologies adaptations.

Wanna hear more? In this playlist I share how a view the world of problemas and features augmented reality and more.

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